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We Need Your Support!

Want to help out? Here are some ways you can assist us with the "Six Seconds" project:

  • If you like the comic, spread the word! It's cheap, it's easy, and it's legal in at least 14 countries! Seriously, word-of-mouth is just about the best currency there is, and we are happy to get it. One way to do this is by voting for us. For the time being we'll only be putting up incentives for the voting button on our homepage, but please feel free to also vote at these other sites as well.

                      The Webcomic List

    We also have some banners you can use if you'd like. (And if there's something you want to see on a banner but we don't have it, let us know!)

  • CJ

    Connor Climbing

    Moon's up in New 'Troit

    The Private Eye...

    A Cat. A Porn Star. A Kitchen Knife.

    Six Seconds

    Six Seconds

  • Speaking of currency... We certainly have no expectation of getting rich off of a webcomic, but some of the items we would like to use in expanding the storyline and the "Six Seconds" world have yet to be purchased. Donations via PayPal to help us cover those costs will be happily accepted and we can even make note of whose donations go toward which products. (If you would like such recognition, please make sure we get the name you want used when you make the donation.)

  • Should you be interested in getting into the whole 3D/CGI thing yourself and are thinking of doing so with DAZ|Studio and other DAZ products, please consider signing up with DAZ via the button below or the one on the homepage. Doing so will mean we get a small commission (10%) from most of the things you purchase during the 90 days after you register.

Some webcomics Faileas likes to keep an eye on:
© 2005-2007 Faileas & Deamhan
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